It's 3AM right now, and I'm trying to write my Beethoven research paper
that's due at 5PM today (which has to be 8 pages long, chicago style). I
was going to work on it yesterday evening, but I ended up spending time
with a friend I haven't seen in a few months after he needed a ride home
from work. We ended up having to break him into his apartment through
the window because he forgot his girlfriend had the keys and she was at
work lol. But it was fun and nice to catch up. Plus I got to pet his new

The situation with me and the other friend is finally starting to get
resolved, and he's talking to me again. So finally that is beginning to
clear that off my plate. I'm happy about it, although honestly I still
don't really know how to feel about the relationship. It feels weird to
just suddenly go back to talking and joking after having been cut off
for over a month, even if he does say that he's over what happened. And
it makes me sad that there are only three and a half more days of school

Shit. That just hit me.

I'm going to be working over the summer building a website for one of my
professors, which is going to require me to travel back and forth from
the college and my home a few times a month, but it shouldn't be a big
issue. I'm excited to do it, and hopefully the pay will last me a while.

We're still working out the trip to Japan and how all of that's going to
work. Please wish me luck in trying to get it done! I'm excited but also
nervous because there's a lot of work that I need to do.

Anyway, I should take a quick break from writing and then get back to my
paper. Goodnight, everyone! Or good morning. Or good midday. Or
whatever, lol.
