I always forget how different black tea is to green tea. Oh, you think
it's exactly the same or almost exactly the same, but that's because you
put enough milk and sugar in it that the tea flavor itself is something
just embedded in the drink - rather than being the entire drink. I know,
I know, it sounds like the whole "real men drink their coffee black,"
but I'm just trying to say that you'll really be able to tell the
difference if you drink them without milk or sugar - not trying to
establish any ultimate way to drink your tea. I'm from the American
South and grew up with ultra-sweet iced tea, so trust me, I enjoy it and
I love it, but thanks to Tomonari I also have a love now for unsweet
green tea. It might not even be healthy.

I feel like that whole paragraph belongs on TypeRacer. Great.

I'm getting ready to listen to Tob's show on aNONradio. I don't feel
*wonderfully* and kind of feel like I should walk across campus to the
HAC to go exercise, but I'll do that in a little bit. For now I must
persevere in my room.

And drink my tea.