So, like, does anyone else just completely run out of energy while doing
basic things? The other day I was making rice balls and got about
halfway done with no issues and just gave up and laid on the floor for
20 minutes.

Like, I think that's a problem. Felt the same thing today while getting
clothes out of the drier but pushed through it.

Maybe I'm just falling apart eheh. This is why I like using computers.
Maybe I should just do pushups or something.

My friend Tatum and I are going to go to the store later to get a cookie
cake. I'm not really feeling it buuuut a cookie cake *would* be nice to
have... Hmm...

I've also been telling people about my terminal project more and more in
hopes of getting more donations. I should probably tell my professors,
since they actually have money pfft (or at least more than students).

Hmmm I think maybe I'll post again later. I don't have that much to talk
about right now. I should also write more poems.

Bye for now!