I am fucking livid.

I can't stand it when I don't get a message  back from someone - when I
am blatantly ignored without explanation. Over the summer I had multiple
jobs that I tried taking - that I committed to and that the employers
promised to. Was going to install network switches and run ethernet
throughout the police station for the city. I talked to the mayor,
toured through the facility. Was told by his assistant (whom I texted
several times afterward) that he was impressed by me and was going to
call me back. Never received a word. Was going to build a website and
set up a backup solution for the owner of an insurance company. Met
multiple times, designed the base layout for his website both on paper
and in HTML. After calling back each week for another month, I was
eventually told that he lost a big client and that they'd have to delay
doing it. Was going to build a PC for the business owner of a car lot,
whom I service computers for regularly. He still doesn't have the money,
eight months later.

Tomonari hasn't texted me back in over a week. I'm still waiting to know
when PayPal is going to verify my SSN so that I can add money to my
account. I texted Robert, the guy that has my ID that I use to get into
my building out of the ridiculous fucking cold, waited three hours, and
now he can't find it. I texted the other Rob, who should have showed up
to Computer Club but didn't, and never received anything. So, yeah, I'm
fucking pissed.

If it was one person, fine. If it was two people, fine. If it's the
middle of the day and you're probably busy or at work, fine. But I'm
sick and fucking tired of this waiting forever shit. Text my ass back when I
text you. Don't make me wait a week, or weeks, or whatever. Because if
my time is not valuable to you, I'm not going to waste it on you.

Pardon me while I go edit my Terminal Project page and get increasingly
frustrated over the fact that everyone fucking ignores me.