# [2021.06.21] Working from the office

From the third week coming to the lab became a routine. In the
morning, I stay in the office. Then I lunch at home for two hours
(hail to France and its 7 hours workday!). After lunch, I return but
sit in the courtyard, usually until the evening. My office is on the
ground floor, and usually, I'm the only person there, although I have
three coworkers who should work from the same room. I saw them,
couple of times, but that was months ago. From the courtyard located
on the first floor, I can hear and sometimes see what's happening
around me. Also, it has more fresh air and some plants with which I
to be in contact. I feel incredibly productive in this setting,
probably like I was three years ago when I served as a team lead. I
believe that at work, one should work. If you're surfing the internet
or drinking tea discussing politics, probably you'd better do that
elsewhere. I mean, I think that the current working day should be
much shorter, maybe four hours a week:) But at least during these
hours, people should not slack.