# [2021.03.05] Totalitarian Seminar

Today I attended a seminar in Zoom, organised by some people who
finance my current work. They wrote: 'To make this event a success,
your presence at the seminar is mandatory.' Another idea was that
after every talk, they made two people from the audience to ask
questions. A friend of mine tried to ask a question that interested
him, but they told him there were only two slots for questions. So,
the real interest is not necessary, only the mandatory one. Also, the
great director of the whole thing spoke: "An institute is really
existing!" Usually, they don't need to say that something exists if
it's alive and kicking. And I never heard anything from these guys
for many months. Ah, another thing is that I already become nauseous
when I hear "don't hesitate to contact me". Usually, that means that
a person won't bother to answer your emails, like, at all. One of
them is organising the seminar and has this phrase in his signature.
Did I ask him questions? Of course, I did. Did he try to reply? You
know the answer. What I want to say is that you can't run away from
totalitarianism. It's in people heads, all around the world, in every
country, of every occupation. Maybe I was a bit naïve.