# [2021.02.04] Metropoliteno

Today I finished reading an original novel in Esperanto by a Russian
writer Vladimir Varankin. It's a strange book, similar to some others
of the same era of the first years after the Russian revolution when
Stalin did not get the power yet. It finishes in 1929 during a purge
of the Communist party during which they started to expel anyone who
even thought that the general secretary might be not always right.
Although the author gave a one-sidedly favourable viewpoint the purge
and heavily criticised Trotskyists, he was executed by shooting in
1938 for a made-up plot of so-called 'Trotskyist terrorist centre'.
Such a bitter irony! I also think the book's language is too Russian.
For many non-native speakers, it will be incredibly tough to
understand the meaning of many passages. Nevertheless, for me, it was
easy reading. I even guessed one place in Moscow by the author's
description, since it didn't change much after near a century.