# [2020.11.06] La Poste

In general, the French postal system seems to be much better than the
Russian one, although there are many other problems.

For example, you can order envelopes, stamps, and stickers with
tracking numbers online and then get them delivered into your
mailbox. No need to go to the post office. In Russia, I usually
needed to communicate with a postal worker to send a letter you
wanted to track.

I'm waiting for a parcel from Russia, and it's here in Nice already.
But yesterday they failed to deliver it purportedly because of an
incomplete address. Even if they didn't manage to find my name on the
intercom (it's tricky), why didn't they put a message into the
mailbox? They even had my phone number, but nobody called me, of
course. The system suggested contacting their client service. I
called, listened to a robot, and spent about an hour trying to find
the right menu item. And there was none. I was only doomed to listen
again and again that the address was incomplete and was supposed to
contact the client service. Of course, I was furious since I head
that when calling exactly that client service which they mentioned.
Sending the email was not an option since on the website they had a
decision tree of questions. One about parcels finished with an error
and advice to call their adorable client service. I even went to the
local post office and again was told to contact the same client
service. There's something typically français in all that situation
if I might judge from my little experience in this country.