# [2020.09.09] Different Stuff

Many things are happening right now, but when I sit down to fill the
logbook, I'm usually too tired to remember and describe everything.

One thing is that I started using a `telega` package to chat in
Telegram from Emacs. It was not particularly timely since recent
Telegram's support for video calls, but a pleasing experience.

Another thing is that I didn't know how to get from the graphical
`tty` back to pure-text ones. Usually, I relied on Alt+arrows to
switch text `tty`'s, and I'm not a fan of function keys on a keyboard
anyway, so that was not surprising. But now I know Ctrl+Alt+F2 combo
and alike which comes handy when you need a console but have only a
browser run by `startx` command.

I also learnt that the error (`*ERROR*: Could not open file:
/dev/tty1`) which I mundanely got after shutting the X-server down
and trying to run `emacsclient` had been listed as a troublesome bug
in a [_very_ old