# [2020.05.09] Pizza

Yesterday I went to groceries and today helped my wife to bake some
pizza. Yum:)

I hope once people will stop parading and calling today a Victory
day, and wars will become a taboo, as Umberto Eco dreamed. I mean
big, total wars between empires when people go dying in a foreign
land while politicians preach about patriotism, motherland defence,
helping friendly nations, and other bullshit. A matter of going to
die in a location far from your home should be a matter of choice,
not an obligation. I mean, it's undeniably great that nazis were
defeated, and it's important to remember and study history
thoroughly. But parading and calling it a victory? Maybe not. Maybe
it's just a hard-learned lesson for all humanity to stop making wars,
especially of such scale as WWII.