# [2020.04.20] Cat and Back

Yesterday our cat suddenly practically stopped eating. Today in the
evening, I tried to get it to a vet, but the clinic which we usually
attended behaved very irresponsibly. They told me that the schedule
was already full and advised to come without an appointment to sit in
a queue. And the line was enormous: there were about a dozen people
in a tiny space. Two couples brought their dogs, and a mother with a
child accompanied theirs. Maybe all of these animals were in a
horrible need, I'm not sure, but the administration was ought to stop
overcrowding, I believe. Eventually, they told me that the average
waiting time was about an hour and a half, and the ultrasound room
would close before the vet saw the cat. The administrator even tried
to convince me to stay and lied that they were the only clinic
operational. Well, sometimes people around doctors are just making
their money. I wish all of them to go bankrupt and begging.