# [2020.04.19] Emacs Fun and Orthodox Easter

Today I looked through [a
page](https://github.com/emacs-tw/awesome-emacs) with a collection of
different Emacs packages.

The one which I missed most was ``hungry-delete``. Emacs can shrink
unnecessary whitespace by ``M-SPC`` (``just-one-space``) or ``M-\``
(``delete-horizontal-space``) but ``hungry-delete`` combines this
functionality in a sense. I can press ``C-d`` at the end of a line to
remove the newline character and consume all the indentation spaces
from the next one at the same time.

The second package which came handy was ``diff-hl``. It can get you
to the exact ``git`` hunks changed in an opened file. It might bite a
bit superfluous, but I liked it.

And the third package that made my day was ``fireplace``. Yes, having
a virtual fireplace during these clammy days could be invaluable:)

At previous midnight I observed several dozens of people moving
tightly in a procession around the church visible from our balcony.
The patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church told his flock to pray
at home until his further blessing for church attendance.
Unfortunately, many people chose to follow the tradition and
inevitably to spread the virus at Easter.