# [2020.03.23] Buckwheat

In Russia, buckwheat is considered a kind of food which one needs to
accumulate in trouble times. Not potatoes, not rice, but namely
buckwheat. It's nearly as sacred for Russians as salt and matches.
When the rumours about current pandemic began to spread, people
bought all the salt, buckwheat, and canned meat from the nearest
grocery. They left pasta, canned fish, even toilet paper in abundance
but emptied the shelves with dozen of buckwheat brands, which were
not so popular among buyers, as far as I remember. Happily, we had
our own, grand reserve, half-full pack of the venerable grain. So
today I decided to cook some of it. And yes, it's tasty as always. By
the way, yesterday buckwheat returned to its shelf in the nearest
shop. Do we need to panic?