# [2019.08.31] The Satanic Bible

The first time when I tried to read this book by Anton LaVey was many
years ago. I can't remember the exact reason why I didn't read much
of it then. Today I finished reading a paperback copy of it and can
say, that well, it was about the level of my expectations. I mean, it
can't be compared with ancient religious texts in their richness and
symbolism. I can't even say the Satanic Bible is a sacred text at
all. Yes, about half of it consists of Enochian keys and stylised Old
English verses, but come on. It only parodies the Book of Common
Prayer in traditional language and other such books. But I still can
say the very ideas expressed in the Satanic Bible are healthy and
sound. There is nothing particularly blasphemous in it, although it
harshly opposes and even curses Christianity and other world
religions. It's not about wisdom, it's just a common sense,
absolutely down to earth, despite its discussion of magic, rituals
and so forth. Not a great book, but I can't say I dislike it.