# [2019.02.15] Adventure of Headphones

Yesterday I was in a hurry and left my headphones on a bench in a
dressing room. I didn't return back for them not to lose time, and
today, of course, there was nothing there. First of all, I went to a
floor manager (there is a dedicated one for each floor in this
office) and asked whether anyone had found my headphones and brought
them to her desk. She said that nobody gave her anything matching the
description. The cleaners didn't discover the phones either. Luckily,
there _was_ a surveillance camera in the dressing room (never noticed
it before:)), and a serious man in black got me in a fancy looking
room with a bunch of screens on the wall to watch the records. It
happened that one guy saw the phones in the dressing room and asked
people around about a potential owner. They advised him to bring the
find to the floor manager, but for undisclosed reasons, he didn't
succeed in that. Eventually, my property was reacquired, and
everything was all right. It was the first time in my life when video
surveillance was of some help to me.