# [2019.01.11] Hitman 2

Gave a try to the demo version of the next part of my favourite game
series. Well, at first glance it was a strange decision to reuse two
initial levels from the previous game. But then I understood that
actually, they included a remake of Hitman as a part of Hitman 2. And
that seems even interesting. Other things changed are improved AI and
some gameplay tweaks. Angry mobs now can attack you by groups of
three (it doesn't help them, of course). What is more important, they
can throw grenades so usually undefeatable tactics 'sit in a bathroom
and wait the next couple of stupid bots to appear at the doors just
to be smashed in a whim' can be messed up.

But I'm still hesitant to buy the game. I think it will become
cheaper in the next several months.