# [2018.10.23] And That is a Role of a Team Leader

Had a call with the guy from Kiev and rehearsed my talk again. He
told me all was nearly excellent, but there was still plenty of space
for improvement. I should do the structure more straight and easy to
follow and add more graphics to slides. Slide decks are not about
text, and I know it.
In the evening we had another interview with a guy towards whom I
felt some irrational antipathy although he didn't do poorly, answered
many questions readily and demonstrated his practical machine
learning experience quite tangibly.
The colleague who succeeds me as a team leader behaved today in a
much more relaxed way. He also said that he stopped writing code and
is only involved in communication with other teams now. And that, he
concluded,  is a job of a team leader. Well, that is his choice. It's
funny to observe how people can change the whole circle of their
duties in the blink of an eye. I've never managed to do that. Maybe
there is something wrong with me, but I don't want to be just a
manager. It's pleasant to have a say in the decision-making process,
of course. But again, I'm going to move from a Team Leader position
to a middle (not even senior) data scientist with a 50% raise! So
something is inherently wrong here, in my opinion. But the team
leader position here surely is a great career opportunity (which I
have taken already, so now it's others turn:)).