# [2018.10.20] My Old Netbook

Lenovo IdeaPad S10-2 was the first computer I ever bought for myself.
It was in 2009. It was a cheap model, affordable for yesterday's
student. Yet I used it for many years quite heavily. I probably
stopped using it entirely only in 2014. Not its battery is completely
discharged, and it can work only when plugged in.
Several days ago I decided to run Ubuntu on it in text-only mode. It
has been running full-blown Ubuntu for years but once that OS new
releases became too heavy-weighted for the netbook and I switched to
Lubuntu flavour. And now, in 18.04 version, even Lubuntu became too
much for it. Well, text mode looks good. Nothing special yet but
yesterday I successfully compiled Emacs 26.1 from sources (Ubuntu has
only 25 in its repositories) and tried to go through the tutorial
again as I did with XEmacs many years ago. I like it. By the way, it
runs like the wind without X:)