# [2018.10.19] I Know That Guy

Today we had an interview with one person who studied at the same
engineer's program at the same university as I did. We were not
classmates in a strict sense because we had different specialisations
but we attended all the lectures together during the first years when
that didn't matter. After graduating, he has been working at the same
place for ten years (!) as a C programmer for some military aviation
applications. So he is my complete antipode, yet now he wants to
change his career and do some machine learning. Well, he agreed for a
substantial salary cut and showed quite a good understanding of basic
algorithms given that he took only one or two free online courses. So
he has all chances even though I won't decide that because the next
week is my last here, and we have several more candidates to
consider. We didn't communicate much at university, and he has
changed so much that I wouldn't recognise him if I had met him in the
street. He doesn't remember me either:) Yet I was glad to meet him
again after about ten years.