# [2018.09.21] Why Gopher

Yes, probably any person starting a gopherlog nowadays has to answer
this question. At least to herself:) I won't be an exception. I've
been blogging (mostly for myself and/or my remote friends and
relatives who want to hear something about me) for quite a while. I
guess I started in 2010. I used different platforms for this but the
main thing was always intact: I hardly ever posted photos or memes or
any kind of some non-textual content. Well, I tried to do some math
blogging and then I posted tons of formulae per page but my personal
blog entries were mostly text-only.

To summarise I need a platform
* to log something about my life using plain text
* not being too public (I'm here not to advertise myself)
* being as simple as possible but not simpler;)

I believe that Gopher suites these needs well.
And today I've finally validated my SDF account:)