Even though there aren't that many people using perl out there anymore, I still
kind of like it and use it from time to time.  I installed CGI::Tiny via cpan
under my sdf account, but had a tough time getting it to actually display
anything and couldn't find any error logs any place that would indicate what
went wrong.  As it turns out, my PERL5LIB environment which I set in .profile
wasn't getting picked up by suexec or whatever plumbing the sdf httpd uses, so
the entire 'use CGI::Tiny' statement was what the issue was.  You can fix this
easily by appending your PERL5LIB to @INC in a BEGIN statement.  PoC below


BEGIN { push @INC, "/sdf/arpa/gm/i/ingrix/perl5/lib/perl5"; }

use CGI::Tiny;

cgi {
 my $cgi = $_;
 $cgi->render(text => "Hello, world!\n");