# Star Challenge

## A nice programming finger exercise for in between

The mission of last year's "Vintage Computing Christmas Challenge" was to write a program that prints a star on the screen that is made up of individual *-characters. Here is a possible solution in Commodore C64 Basic, neither optimized for size nor speed, but rather for readability.

``` Basic
10 PRINT "{clear}"
20 FOR Y=-8 TO 9
30 FOR X=-8 TO 9
40 IF ABS(X)>4 AND ABS(Y)>4 THEN PRINT " "; : GOTO 80
50 IF ABS(Y)-ABS(X)>4 OR ABS(X)-ABS(Y)>4 THEN PRINT " "; : GOTO 80
60 PRINT"*";
100 NEXT Y

On my GitHub page you can find more solutions, e.g. as assembler or as a C implementation.

=> https://github.com/chfhhd/star-challange     My GitHub repository for the Star Challenge
=> https://logiker.com/Vintage-Computing-Christmas-Challenge-2022       Star Challenge website

As we all know, Christmas is coming soon, so it will be interesting to see what the challenge will be this year.