Fri Oct 6 19:43:43 UTC 2023

"Why don't you --"

"Because I'm a retarded racist sexist  phobic redneck Nazi who doesn't believe
in science."

"Well, you don't have to be sarcastic."

"Well, no matter  what I say, that's  what you'll hear. I figured  I'd save us
both some time."

"I can't talk to you."

"Got that right."

There is  no such  thing as  hypocrisy. No such  thing as  "double standards".
There are only  Good People, who can  do anything, and Bad  People, who aren't
really people and are only permitted to submit or die. And when Good People do
things  to Bad  People, the  only  people who  could possibly  object are  Bad
People. You don't want to be Bad, do you?

Of course  you're perfectly free  to be Bad, if  that's what you  want. You're
perfectly free to go off into the woods and starve to death all by yourself.

How can  you possibly object  to the billionaire oligarchs  controlling public
discourse? After  all, it's a PRIVATE  COMPANY, sweetie! You wouldn't  want to

Fuck  libertarians *and*  those pretending  to be  libertarians. They  can all
literally fuck their own faces until they fuck themselves to death.
