September Updates!!
       Hello everyone! Long time no see! Once again I do apologize
for my lack of posts, returning to society post lock down has taken
its toll. So, fall, it is my favorite season by far so I am filled
with the joyful melancholy of the leafy breeze. I can't really explain
why I prefer this time of year, but in these days it feels even more
welcome than usual. Anyways I thought I'd share a few things I've
been working on and or finished.

> My Pine-phone
 I am still using post-market OS with sxmo. It is not my daily
driver nor well it be for some time, at least until the keyboard
comes out. right now I use it as a sort of mini terminal. A more in
depth write up well be coming up as well as some general thoughts.

> My phone uh phone
 Some mastodon followers or anonradio regulars well have seen/
heard it already, but I acquired an avocado green trimline phone.
Me and my partner cleaned it up, filled the cracks, and hooked it
to sdf VoIP via a grandstream ata. It is at ext. 2193 so feel free
to call during normal pacific time hours. Everything works great
but now I want more phone stuff despite not really liking phones.

> plan 9
 I did install 9front on a pi 4 however my partner repurposed it
for some unknown project so thats on hold for now

Well thats it for now! stay tuned for other ramblings in the near
