heat wave anime
       Like many other SDF-ers in the PNW I was beset on all sides
this weekend by the intolerable heatwave. It was so hot that my
poor Thinkpad was exceeding 40 degree temps. So what did I do with
long hot days? Well catch up on anime of course!

>SSSS. Gridman<

       I'm a fairly big toku fan, but I didn't know much about
Gridman other then it had a rocking theme song, and a  bad American
version. I actually found this anime spin off to be really smart,
and dramatic in unexpected ways. It also is just profoundly
stylish from the backgrounds to the character design.

>Godzilla Singular Point<

        Continuing with the toku theme, I'd call this "Godzilla
meets speculative physics". It's pretty interesting and re-imagines
a ton of Showa era Godzilla monsters. This includes Jet Jaguar
who is more cool then he has any right to be. My partner says this
show is similar to Shin Godzilla, but I haven't seen that movie.
lastly I would recommend watching this subed as the dub is badly
localized, and removes cultural references.

>Shadow House<

       I haven't finished this anime yet, but I've been reading
the manga for some time. The show does capture the atmosphere
well, but is not quite as beautiful as the manga's Victorian style,
there is also some jarring 3D that ruins a dramatic revival, but
it is used well in other parts. Still I hope there well be a
season 2.

>Ultraman (new)<

       I read the first manga volume and liked it enough to pick
up a model kit. But the anime is just atrocious 3D, so I'm sticking
to the manga.

>Devilman Grimore<

       This manga is another retelling of Devilman, it promises
to be "ultra violent" which is baffling because devilman is already
pretty bloody. Anyways, Ryo is not in the first volume and miki is
the catalyst for Devilman by summoning Amon. The art is good, but
not illustrated by Go Nagai. I wish they would release more  of his
work, Devilman Lady is amazing and almost none of his robot manga
has been published here.

Stay cool everyone!