telnet zine
       The Dragonfly BSD blog has this wonderful weekly feature
called "lazy reading" which has all sorts of fun stuff for big
nerds like myself. This week it had a link to a telnet zine called
a new session, which sounded interesting.
       following the link I ended up in a faux terminal spouting
a manifesto on how bad the internet has gotten, naturally as someone
who has a phlog in 2021 this sounded pretty good to me. Once your
past that the homepage gives instructions to view the real zine
on a telnet connection.
  It's content is a mix of short story/ poems and ASCII art, and
reminiscent of a pop-up city gallery, so a mixed bag. But it is only
the first issue, and the experience seems to be the focus anyways.
for that I'd say its worth checking out. My personal favorite was
a piece called "in search of CRT green".
       No matter the quality of content, its nice to see artsy folk
who don't turn their noses up and anything tech related, and
telnet zine is a cool concept. Like something punks would use
a beat up Zr Spectrum to connect to. Its something I'll keep
track of.

website: https://anewsession.com

to connect on Linux: telnet issue1.anewsession.com

Dial-a-zine, but thats what the software is called