The Cyclone Matrix / Johnson Protocol files say something like:

//Hermann L. Johnson, 2019
//Free for unmodified distribution and non-commercial use.

This is there just to keep it simple and to force those who are interested
to look deeper (into this file, for instance) for more information.  I
have chosen to provide this special note to explain the details and what
exactly it is that I am trying to accomplish.

This protocol and software is intended for the public of the world to use
in FREEDOM AND HARMONY.  The code I have released so far is not complete -
I want others to complete it in an open source, public service manner.
The reason I have not chosen a GNU license or have said that it is simply
free without restriction is because I do not want others to feel as though
they can take control of or sneakily sabotage this system without
consequences.  I hereby state that non-commercial users are free to use
my code, to modify it, increase and improve upon it - but they will be
persecuted and/or prosecuted if they are found to be sabotaging this
system or intentionally trying to interfere with its effectiveness.
Too many bad people are trying to take advantage of the public, and anything
that could serve the public is ripe for abuse.  Commercial users should
try their best to locate me for fair compensation.

Those who believe that the system could do with some modifications are
invited to publish their thoughts, perhaps a community consensus can
be formed.  Regardless of whatever ways people may try to abuse this system,
the end user can always choose to use software that adheres to the core
protocol and procedures, always remembering that this current system is
most effective for local use.  The protocol should also allow smarter
configurations and smarter clients that can overcome whatever sabotage
is dreamt up while preserving the usability of existing clients.

The final software should consist of these major parts:

1. The WIFI utility - which cycles your 802.11 from hotspot to client mode,
on some specified interval.  This utility may execute the main node
software.  This utility is going to be platform specific.  When it is in
hotspot mode, it sets the wireless SSID to CYCLONE-ABCDEF, where ABCDEF
are random characters.  When in client mode, it searches for all hotspots
with a SSID prefix of CYCLONE-.

2. The Main Node software - which has the local datamanager, and runs the
network exchange protocol.  It runs a client and server on different ports
at the same time.

3. The GUI which allows the user to sort/search messages, create new
messages, encrypt, control the connections, monitor statistics, whatever
people desire.

- Hermann L. Johnson via SDF, USA.  April 2019.