_____20180201: thirsty

Yesterday (and also the day before) I drank about three litres of water. And boy
it felt good.

My mission for February is to keep that up and develope this a daily habit. It
is good for my health and my general wellbeing. I must not forget that some 60%
of my body is essentially water, so sustaining this percentage seriously affects

In the past I was drinking random quanities, ranging from ~1 litre to 2-2.5
litres. Comparing that with the past two days I can say it clearly wasn't

Kids, drink water. Even if you're not explicitly thirsty.


_____20180202: alive

I use to watch trees grow. Well, not exactly grow, more like change and develop.

If you are lucky enough to have a tree in your yard or outside of your window,
and you have the patience to observe it each day for a couple of minutes, you'll
see it is constantly changing.

A new leaf here and there. A broken branch after last night's storm. The change
of colors. The shape.

It is a constant reminder that most of the things surrounding us are actually
living things.


_____20180203: hectic

My sleep cycle is quite hectic lately.

I wake up the same time each day, also my daily routine is very similar, no
matter what day of the week it is. My coffee consumption doesn't vary either.

I suspect it is somehow connected with the weather, as I noticed I sleep better
on colder nights. Probably my body tries to catch up with the changing seasons,
but it is not easy with the weather being just as hectic.

I refuse to take any pills, instead I experiment with certain factors, such as
food and indoor temperature.


_____20180204: herd

Cross a red light as a pedestrian and most of those coming after you will most
likely also cross.

Stop at the red light as a pedestrian and most of those coming after you will
most likely also stop.

No matter how hard we deny, we are still commuting as herds.


_____20180205: analog

Analog things made us handle stuff slower but also more careful.

Cameras. Typewriters.

Before shooting a picture, one should've planned it carefully. Also, people
needed to craft their words and sentences before typing them.

Once the image was shot, it was on film. Once a letter was typed, it was on

Digital technology allows us to take countless pictures mindlessly. It allows us
to hit backspace any time. We are not required to plan beforehand any more.

We are not required to be cautious, to be prepared.


_____20180206: smiling

I am rather happy today.

It seems that winter is back once again for a final(?) blow, so my sad feelings
about seeing it gone were blown away by the chilly northern wind that also
brought a massive amount of snow.

And while the majority of people around me keep complaining about the unexpected
return of the coldest season, I can't help myself smiling all day.


_____20180207: gravity

Experience gravity.

Stand up. Close your eyes. Feel the pressure on your soles. Lift one foot. Do
you feel the pressure increasing on the other one?

Forget about everything else. Don't think. Just concentrate to that pressure.
Let your mind ease itself.


_____20180208: places

Each day it is harder to come to the city. Not physically, mentally.

Remote living is great, but one gets used to it maybe a bit too much and a bit
too easily. And soon each morning it becomes harder and harder to leave the
place you like and get to a place you are kind of running from.

I wish I could extract myself to a degree where I no longer have to go to the
city, it is only an option.

Sadly I can't, at least not now, not yet.


_____20180209: tears

So far so good.

In the last ten days I successfully managed to keep my water consumption above
three litres. I also started to track it lately in a calendar: the average of
the past five or six days is 3.2 litres. The results are rather pleasing.

Much less headache. Much better general mood. Suprisingly I am even less tired
by the end of the day. Also, possibly because of the more liquids my eyes are
less tired (more tears, probably) in the evening.

I should keep this amount up. So should you.


_____20180210: rush

People always hurry. They are always in a rush. No matter if they commute by car
or on foot. They gain seconds, minutes at most.

I am rather slow. I like to look around while passing through, observe my
surroundings. I gain memories, experiences.

Which one makes us more satisfied: time or experience? I am happy to satisfy a
few minutes of my time to convert it to memories, something that worths


_____20180211: batteries

I like Sundays.

Sundays can do what neither weekdays nor (interestingly) Saturdays can't:
recharge my batteries.

Without this weekly recharge I'd most likely be unable to carry on for the
upcoming weekdays.

If someone would ask me what is mankind's greatest invention, I'd probably say:


_____20180212: shades

Today the sky looks like it is made of boiling, liquid lead.

All you can see is multiple shades of grey, more than fifty, way more than that.
You can barely see where the sun is.

It is just a lighter grey spot on the darker grey blanket. The thin line where
the sky meets the concrete on the ground is almost invisible.

The world seems homogenous, sculptured from one giant grey piece of stone.


_____20180213: tomorrow

Not much to write about today.

Everything is still grey today, so as my mood. Everything seems to bore me.

Perhaps tomorrow holds something to be cheerful about.


_____0180214: raindrops

Woke up earlier than usual, at about 4 AM.

Had my coffee on the porch, just staring into the darkness, listening to the
sound of raindrops hitting the ground.

Peaceful morning it was, before the rush of the day.


_____20180215: thursdays

Lazy day today. Suprisingly lazy.

Thursdays are usually busy: everyone realises that the week is almost over, so
thet once again try to speed things up and accomplish everything at once.

But not today.

The day went by slowly and silently.


_____20180216: fridays

I've felt that yesterday would eventually result in today.

Golden rule: if Thursday is lazy, the coming Friday will be hell.

I can hardly wait to get to bed.


_____20180217: lo-fi

There's a person out there who streams lo-fi hiphop 24/7 on the internet.

I am unspeakably greatful to this person every weekend.


_____20180218: dizzy

I didn't feel well today. I felt dizzy and weak. My stomach was also bad.

I hope it is just temporary and not the beginning of something more serious.


_____20180219: power

There are power disruptions because of the heavy snowing, so I won't write much
to save the batteries.

I'm feeling better today.


_____20180220: outages

The longest outage today has been more than three hours and it is still snowing.
I am still saving as much battery as I can.

Today I'm feeling OK; whatever it was, luckily it seems to be gone.


_____20180221: chill

Snowstorms seem to be over for now. The cold and the chilly wind remain though.

Power also seems to be more reliable today.

Things'll probably get back to normal by tomorrow.


_____20180222: basic

Things like electricity, gas, tap water (or, in fact, internet) seem so basic,
so parts of our lives that we only learn to properly value them during a crisis.


_____20180223: frozen

My bench is covered with snow.

I wanted to sit outside for a while but the snow is so thick and it is frozen so
much that I couldn't wipe it off.

So I was only standing there for a couple of minutes listening to the sound of
the trees cracking and falling in the woods.


_____20180224: evenings

Almost midnight.

I like evenings. Sadly they don't last long for me, as I am more like an early
bird type.

I wonder what kept me up and awake this long today.


_____20180225: fool

I almost hit a dog today.

The little fool jumped right in front of me out of nowhere. Luckily I always
drive below speed limit, so I was able to stop in time.

She seemed surprised. I seemed scared as fuck.


_____20180226: focus

Have you ever wondered that despite the fact that our feet were the first ever
method of transportation, we now build our cities with the heaviest focus being
on motorized vehicles?

Is this progress, or is it just us losing focus and forgetting what we should
really focus on: human beings?


_____20180227: 40

Winter sports: getting to work.

(Another 40 centimeters of snow has fallen.)


_____20180228: sleep

I need to go to sleep as early as possible today.

I fell asleep on the bus on my way home, so I missed my stop. Sooner or later I
need to sort out this sleeping thing.