Some of you will die.
21th March 2020

Some of you will die... These  are the words of a friend, president
of  one  of the  medical  unions.  These  words  may be  harsh  and
pessimistics, they are however anouncing a reality we are all aware

The  figures  are  there.  We  will be  in  contact  with  infected
patients,  and some  of  us will  catch the  disease.  At least,  3
percent of us will die... At least because well, knowing the age of
my colleagues, the fatalities will probably be higher.

Few  professions  face  this  kind  of  prophecies.  Policemen  and
firefighters know that they are in a dangerous profession, but they
all hope that  by following the security measures,  they will reach
their retirement without much trouble. Militaries are risking their
lifes, but they also hope that their training, weopons and planning
will keep them alives.

Heathcare  providers  are  today  in  the  situation  of  japaneses
kamikazes or  more acurately, WWII  bomber pilots who  were leaving
their base knowing  that whatever they do, some of  them will never
return back home.

Monday I will be back to work because some outpatients could not be
cancelled. I'll be at risk to catch the disease from these patients
or some  colleagues, and, if that  happens, I'll have at  least a 3
percent chance to die  in the next 3 weeks... All of  this is a bit
unrealistic no?