######################## GLEHVOK'S GOPHERHOLE #########################

**** FAQ ****

Q: Why is your handle "glehvok"? What does it mean?
A: "Glehvok" is the combination of two reconstructed Proto-Indo-
European words "gleh" and "wok". "Gleh" can be understood as a "clump
of earth", and is ultimately where the English word "clay" and "glue"
came from. This is also attested in the Slavic languages, for
instance, when we look at the Slavic words "glen" and "glej"
respectively. Now, "wok" can be understood as "voice" or "speech".
This can be found in the English language in "invoke/evoke/vocal/"
etc. Therefore, "Glehvok" could be translated as "clay/earth that
speaks." Why did I choose this handle? It is because of the rich
symbolism contained within the word. In symbolic terms, it can be
phrased as "The union of heaven with the earth" or "The union of the
center with the circumference" as the great Clement of Alexandria
stated it. At some point in the future, I wish to write an entry in
my phlog about this particular symbolism, so stay tuned if interested.

Q: Do you have this gopherhole published as a website as well?
A: No, and I never will. This gopherhole is for my own personal
amusement, and publishing an http version of it will only dilute the
uniqueness of this tiny corner of the internet.

Q: So one of your hobbies is... brickmaking? How did you get into that?
A: Since I'm currently out of extra money to spend on my other hobbies,
I decided to pick up a new hobby that would be as cheap as dirt.

#### File Created: 2023-04-06 ############ Last Edited: 2023-04-10 ####