I miss my radio show, my hammock, my teepee.
I've traveled accross the mountain to come
for a visit to my mom, on the island.

10 hours on the road, 2 ferries, accross mountain
passes and plains, although beautiful, the road is
long. Today we're going to a Shintoist temple. But
I am tired. It's a beautiful temple, lodged on an
island. A rich man's dream of a sort. It's always
empty, but immaculately clean and new.

Shitoism isn't really popular here in Canada.
For me, I like the rituals, the music and the
connection to nature. Every religion should be n
ature base.

We had the chance to practice Karate with the local
Shotokan group. Me and Naima with 3 other high level
black belts, there was a lot of attention to us 2.

I'm really happy that Naima likes Karate enough to
come with me, and other teachers takes the time to
work with her. She likes the attention and also likes
to get better.

I knew visiting the island would be good for my
mind, although it put me back at work. I have a
few big projects I could have finished which would
have mean a good end-of-month invoices.

Since the workshop with Nicolas Cambas, I've been
having a resurgence in sexual energy. This has been
quite distracting and difficult to work with. During
the workshop, I felt we ended up all attracted to
each other. It would have ended up in some sort of
orgy if we would have lived and work together a few
more days. It was a nice sensation of proximity,
community and love. But it ingnited some repressed
energy, that is just now calming down. Victoria is
a nice city, but is so not sensual/sexual (compared to
Montreal for example).

I don't know what I am doing really here in Victoria,
it's an unplanned vacation, I didn't have the extra money.
So I am a bit aimless. I found a Chinese flute which is
fairly different. You'll hear it in my improv/meditation
wednesday radio show.

While on the road, I felt the need to create or composed,
and I tried on my phone with koala sample, and on my laptop
but I'm always turned off by using these devices for music
creativity. So I decided to trade my model:samples for a new
device, the smpltreck.

I've always though that 2 elekton device in my electronic
music setup was too much. The model:samples is nice, but
you really need a computer to modify / change samples /
create drum kit. The smpltreck can do pretty much the same
as the model:samples, but you can record samples live,
live loop, have a lot more effect, it also has an external
SD card so you can put field recordings on the device.

You can edit / chop your sample on there too,
and it's battery powered. So in short it's a portable
music making sample based device which also has polyphoni
which makes it quite a little synth (and full size midi in..)
Anyway - possibilities seems endless on paper, I need to try
it out. As I have a rule of one device out / one device in,
I have to sell the model first, and maybe another device?
I don't seems to have anything too extraflous at this point...

I've also had the chance to hang out with my yoga teacher,
Kathleen Knipp (pathlessyoga.com) and we jumped in the ocean
together, had a class online (togheter) and went for tacos on the
harbour. It was a good time, I wish I could spend more time
with her but I also want to spend the time with my mom.

Had some Korean sushi (delicious) and found some high quality
sake. I'm bringning back a bottle for Melina. And had some time
at the beach, so all in all was quite a great escape!

A few more days and I'm back on the lake. I might even miss my next
radio show as I'll be on the road, the last stretch to get home...