The night is stormy.

I can see a couple
thunderstorm clouds
rolling around the lake.

I sit on a rock
by the lake
have some tobbaco
and a song
with the wind
with the waves

ZamaZame Zaye
Haye haya Hey
ZamaZame Zaye

In the tippi
I feel protected,
the sound of the waves
crashing on the rocks


Do you want a drink?
wind enters the house
her paiting fell
a few broken cups

A sign?

I am tempting
I am tempted

I have nothing to loose
I have everything to loose

How to navigate
when I don't know
the desitnation

When too much restrain
emotions and tension arise
When I let loose
fear of the destination

What to follow?
The void
is always welcoming
The tension
of the passion
not only charming
but with more

I fear
of getting lost
in that path
which could also
lead me
to liberation

The divine comedy continue
reality keeps on changing
Shifting like molasse
in a typhoon

A meditation with Eric Baret
He talks about fantasy
The fantasy of the mind
What we experience everyday

He knows and name it
Live the fantasy
it's just a though

Like a tension
in the body
the fantasy

Did he say more?
I couldn't tell

I asked him if we can dance
instead of sitting around

We practice slow
but we can go fast
Sitting, Dancing,
Walking, fucking
it doesn't matter.