Rsdoeil just published about a personal search engine,
in response to Alex Schroeder post about creating a new
type of search for the web.

I agree, search engines are broken. For some unknown reason
I was wondering during the last week how could we make search
engine works better for us? Maybe I was tuning-in into the
gopherspace collective mind.

In a less serious manner...

I would like to use a search that would remove all commercial
sites as well as all site with ads, as well as the lists from
ublock origins and probably a few more lists, and to create a
list of bad actor (site disguised as a non commercial site) that
can be added by anyone using the system.

Instead of creating a list of 'good' site, which would be abused
at some point, I would go the other way around. We could have a
voting system, after 3 votes the site is added to the list of
hidden sites.

Although this is just a radical fantasy, I think it would
be a simple filter to cut out a huge part of the internet.
What about having a creative common only, non-commercial, no ads
search engine? If the crawler detect an ad on your site, it's
removed from the list, using a similar technoly as Ublock
origin to detect ads on a site. If it detect a store, a shopping
cart, its gone.

It wouldn't be for everything, I would use the search mostly to
browse a 'gentle web' with mostly personal site, creative sites,
site that people wants to share freely, somehow similar to the

Meanwhile, I just don't browse much the surface web anymore.

That's also a great solution!