What is your life intention? Your life goal?

I would really like to know what are people
thinking about their life goal and intention.

I would love to read everyone's take on this.
I think it's a profound question, with an
answer that probably would keep on changing
as we grow old.

I don't know what is my intention or what
is my life goal, or life purpose even.
I like to write about these questions and
see how far I would get. This following
reflection does that. It doesn't resolve
the issue, or really answer the question,
but it brings a lot of the supporting belief
in one place.

As a father, a lot of my focus goes toward
my daughter. I want to support her as long as
she would need me, try not to pass on too
many trauma, and pass on some wisdom.

As a husband, another part of
my focus goes toward my wife. Support
her mental, physical and spiritual development
as much as I can.

As a business owner, yet another goal
is to succeed. Create a healthy client
base, grounded in trust and professionalism.

As a yogi, I would like to reach eternal
life, i.e. liberate from the cycle of
birth and death.

As a musician, I just want to have fun.

While all that is positive and dandy, it
feels like I'm missing a point. Something
about being offered this life, and having
a lot of clarity and power. But still being
self centered.

I see the shit happening all around us.

The abuse from this late stage neo-liberal
capitalism, which destroy both our environment
and our well being. And for whatever reason,
I feel like I could have a role in changing
this culture...

Is it simply a delusion of grandeur? Should
I simply accept the world as it is, watching
passively as it collapse unto itself.
Hoping to help a few, trough my writing,
my radio show, my teaching.

Somewhere I have the feeling that I
could change all that. Not that 'I'
and only 'I' have this power. It's more
a feeling that a human has so much potential
that anyone could do that change. It take
only one person to start a revolution.
But by being aware of that possibility I
feel that I should be moving in that

One of my way of being is that if I see a
problem and I think of a solution I am the
one that has the power to resolve this.
I know, it sounds delusional. But it's
part of my core belief, and it's really

I sit here, and visualize the whole
world and its conflicts, and for whatever
reason, there is a nagging feeling that
it could be resolved. It's not even just a
nagging feeling, it's not even a belief,
it's a knowing, as if I've done that
in the past. It's a kind of delusional
optimism. I mean it's very useful, I live
in a village of 200 habitants in the middle
of nowhere and I was able to build a small
tech company to live comfortably. It took
some delusional optimism to get where I
am now.

The thing is I don't know where to start.


Activism isn't my path. I see how activism
has been bought out by capitalism, branded,
polarized and now lost credibility. I feel
like a lot of activist groups are fighting
a common enemy, but just got played by that
enemy, and became polarized and part of
the problem.

It feels like a lot of activist groups
got financed to give them a voice and a
strong position, which also got them to
fail at rallying the popular vote. Most
of the activism got put in a polarized
view and group together to remove their
validity. The same effect you would get
when one person brings a Nazi flag in a
peaceful demonstration. The only thing
you will see in the media was the flag,
and in one swoop they lost all credibility.

I am not against activism, I align with
what the goal is, but I think a lot of
them have been played. The lost the war
they were fighting, but don't realize it.

So then if not activism then what?
Hacktivism? Spiritual activism?
Dream warrior?

Social changes

To bring massive change, I would think
that you need to bring a lot of people
together. I personally don't think I would
react well to that type of fame. I would
probably be cancelled quite quickly anyway.
So in this regard I don't seek to influence
the masses this way. But maybe I'm wrong
here and that is the path that I would need
to take?

One of the spiritual power I was developing
when studying under a Tantric master was
social magnetism. It was not by choice, but
it was what was happening when my level of
energy was raising. It is strange as I don't
like that form of attention...

Okay, so no activism, no Guru business, then
what? What is the third path that I could
take which would have a powerful effect on
our culture?

Well in part, this is why I am building
lucid.observer. Creating a space for all
the people would you like to change the world
but don't know where to start. A place where
we can have open conversation about subject
like revolution or cultural change, spiritual
warfare and other similar subject. And
although this is exciting, I am questioning
the limitation of this solution. Is my
overall great plan of action based on a
server hosted in my studio?

Spiritual Warfare

As I am writing the word spiritual warfare,
something shifted. Spiritual warfare is
somewhat how I see my meditation and yoga
practice. I feel the culture I live in is
waging war against human evolution. By
numbing, scaring, keeping people unhealthy
disconnected, angry and polarized, the society
is making sure we are not stepping into a
new way of being human. This 'new way' of
being human won't even think twice about
dropping all that consumerism way of life.

If you've discovered how to fly why would
you keep on crawling on the ground?
If, as a human specie, we step into the
next level of our evolution, why would we
keep on living the same way we've been living?
It's not going to be a question at that point,
the past will just not make any sense anymore.


There is this belief that we are 'it', we
are the top of the evolution and it can't
go further. I remember reading about how
a fish in the ocean probably though at
one point it was the top of the evolution
and nothing would be more evolve. So it's
my belief that we are within a continuum
of evolution. Although we might not be able
to force evolution, I feel that we can prepare
for it to happens.

Then of course this idea of critical mass
exist, where only a certain amount of people
would need to transform for the whole world
to transform.

So what is next? Well from this reflection,
I see there might be a way to create an idea
or a concept, that would permeate trough
our culture. A sort of a mind puzzle, a word virus,
a concept, a 'spell' that would latch into
people's mind.

Magic spells

Magic spell are simply ideas implanted in
people's mind that breaks a concept of logic,
and lodge itself deeply in one's reality.
To be successful in casting a spell, you
have to use timing, awareness, and psychology.
At the end of the day, it's really just
marketing applied to a different goal then
purchasing something.

Magic spell also have to be recursive. It's
a story in a story, an idea in an idea. Our
mind often get stuck into a recursion.
It's also used in politics and propaganda.

You attach an emotion, a sensation
to a fatality and the mere fact of thinking
about that fatality re-enforce it.
Strengthening this concept of: 'if you think
you will be in an accident there are more
chances that you will be in an accident'.

I am not sharing any spells here as I think
these are quite powerful tools. I personally
don't even want to think about them too much
as it's like handling viruses in a bio tech
lab, it could go out of hand!

Lucky, unlucky

I read about a test they did on people who
feel they are lucky and people that feel they
are unlucky. They gave the same task to both
group. Find a sentence in the newspaper and
win 500$ or something like that. The trick
was that on the first page of the newspaper,
they wrote, Stop looking for the sentence, it's
on page 50. Guess what? The lucky people found
that sentence a lot more then people who
though that they were unlucky.

The way you see the world around you
affect how you experience it. A magic spell
works with that. The caster of the magic
spell doesn't distort reality. They use
your own mind's flaws so that you
change your own reality. It's a lot
more powerful and requires a lot less power.

Now imagine that our culture is bathed in these
reality shifting concepts. There might be one
spell, one spin on an idea, that would crumble
our whole reality and make it possible for
a group of people to enlightened or evolve on
the spot. A sort of Koan to unlock the human
potential on a global scale.

And finally...

After writing 1500 words on this idea, I think
that deep down, I feel like my goal would be to
find that Koan, that idea, this concept that would
unlock peoples evolutionary process that would
spread like a mind virus trough the population
to reach a critical mass and create a wave of
human evolution, discarding our old ways and
opening the door to a new reality... Nothing less!

See I told you I was delusional :D

Childhood awakening

I got struck by such 'mind virus' when I was a kid.

I was walking down a train track. I was happy
although there was a lot of fighting in my house.
I was thinking, yes there is suffering but right
now I am not home. It's sunny, I am alone and
I can be as happy as I want to be. Then I though,
"well, when is it that I cannot be happy?" When I
get hit, that moment when I receive a punch I
feel the pain, that exact moment, I might not be
able to be happy. But this is only a fraction of time,
of reality, I can decide to be happy right until
that moment... and then, right after that moment.

On that day, on that train track, I stopped,
I glitched, I couldn't walk anymore. It came
to me, at every moment of my life, I can decide
to be happy or not. I am the only who can decide
how I perceive reality, I am the one who decide,
who makes the choice to be happy or not, at
every moment of my life.

That event only lasted a few minutes, a few second
even. But to this day it has completely and
radically changed my life. Just an idea,
just a concept, just a recursive though
that planted the seed in me, which broke
something, which freed me on the spot.

If someone had shared with my that idea,
I would have said, "Yeah of course",
without changing me an once. You probably
read that and accept that idea or reject it.
Some of you might have felt something while
reading these line, something resonated as
true, something in you wanting to liberate.

A liberating idea cannot be only intellectual,
or if it is, it has to break some logic...

Trauma hook

Using the cultural trauma and hurt in a way
that people would resonate with the concept.

We see that all the time, these social hooks,
in movies and advertising. The daddy issue hook,
the brother sister hook, the mommy issue hook.
In most movies you find these psychological
pattern that connects us to the movie. These
unresolved deep issues that the movie make
us live trough a resolution. What can be learned
from the modern propaganda machine?

Martial art

When in a fight, you wait for the opponent
to attack first. Then you learn from it.
You learn on the spot, and you hope you've
trained enough to sustain these attacks.

Your learn the patterns, the movements, the
weaknesses. You learn to see reality the same way
your opponent sees reality. If your opponent
has a week jaw, they will often try to
attack your jaw mostly. You attack what you
think is weak, and you normally base this
on your own weaknesses.

By observing your opponent your learn how
to defeat it. This brings me back to this
idea of spiritual warfare. Observing how we
are manipulated and abused in our culture to
protect from it... to counter it.

But how to defeat it?

Maybe I am not ready to find out about my life
goal and my life purpose. Maybe I have to wait
and refine, stay alive, stay healthy. I know
the overall goal, I know the problem, but
to find a solution it might take time.

Waiting patiently and observing. Searching for
the 'Clef de Voute' this one stone that hold
the arch, this one weakness, this firs Domino piece
that will be the start a whole new reality...
Not with the goal of defeating the society,
but with the goal of awakening the masses...