Kneeling in front of a dual screen
computer system with animes playing
on the bottom right of my vertical
secondary screen.

Weaving between playing video games
and working on the main screen.
An old Kindle as a clock, phone on
a stand for call and text syncing.

But mostly wasting time
on social networks, looking for
the next big thing. Watching
chaturbate in the background as
some sort of stimulant.

That was my setup for many years.

I've since then burned out of that
place, and I've been on a digital detox.

What do I use these days?

Cell phone with a text interface,
email, photo, text, phone, gopher,
ear training. I'd love to reduce this
even more. I keep on uninstalling
as many application as possible.
Completely de-googlelized, fdroid
running the show.

Ebook reader to read book, read gopher
and write (with mechanical keyboard).
Trying to run offpunk (more on this).
Also text only interface with even less
apps than the phone.

Laptop booting in Framebuffer first.
Text only most of the time
Offline most of the time
Up to 25 hours of battery.

A standing desk, which helps with
procrastination, for my main computer.
Minimal interface (archlinux with i3)
text first (mutt, mocp, vim)
No automatic 'sync'. Using offline
imap for mutt. Mostly fullscreen,
no info bar on any screen.

No more gaming, no more social network.
I don't read the news anymore.
I've reduce my movie watching time
to around 2 to 3 hours a week. Reduce
drastically my anime consumption
(not planned, I whish I would still
watch more anime)

I can't really enjoy watching a
whole movie by myself. That was
also no intended, I used to love
movies. I'd rather write or draw
or play music.

I've given up on signal, telegram,
still follow a few discord channels.

SDF is my main social network, with com, bboard,
anonradio and gophersphere. has become a tool of choice
as I learn to use it for everything.
It can sync a lot of my content, saves
it locally too, so it's easy to refer back
to my research. I would love to see a chatGPT
connections too, which gets store locally.

I'm almost tempted to learn emacs
as I could have everything I do
in one place. But the effort needed
to learn and customize my setup
would be better put to better use.

Music making mostly with synth and
physical instruments, although I've
created a nice 'live' electronic music
setup on my laptop lately,  using
orca, puredata, frontiere and a few
other tools for sound routing.

Got my typewriter back in shape for
a different type of writing (no pun
intended). It's 100 years old this year
and still rock my world!

Focusing on in-person event, like Karate,
meditation, yoga, dance party, ceremony,
jamming, cooking.

I get pretty high when I teach a yoga
and meditation workshop and then dance
all night with friends. It's getting harder
to come back to the screen after these events.

Even for my work, I'm moving toward
a more 'consultation' than computer
work. Still most of my work is on the
computer. I still can't see myself
not using a computer to work... Even
if I did spend many years... some years
without using a computer... Am I
totally addicted to my computer?

I should really try to not use a computer
for a week and see what happens to my brain!

I don't think that has happened since 2002-3.
It's been 20 years non stop, although minimal
when I was traveling, I would still have a
cellphone and a laptop, and an e-book.

I do have weekends without computer more
and more. I even turn off my cellphone for
over 48 hours at a time. But, a week!
I feel I'd be in shock. I'm very curious
now... how could I go about this?