I really love Christy's 5 questions, I actually think about it for the whole
month and then like a student doing his home work last minute, I take the time
to write about it before the end of the month! So voila!

Memorable dream?

I dream a lot, but a dream that is close to me lately, Doreen is the director
that I have worked with in the last 10 years.

The show must go on

I am meeting with Doreen about the play that we are about to perform tomorrow, I
am the director. I was expecting a supportive meeting, but it turns our that
Doreen is not happy with my work and she is actually angry at what was created
so far. I tell her that I am also angry that there was such a lack of
communication and that it cannot works like that. I need to know early on when
something is going wrong and I expect that everyone would communicate clearly
about how they feel about where the project is going. Doreen express how this is
not how that works, and I told her that I knew she wasn't satisfied and that she
told others about it but never to my face and that this is the reason why we are
where we are now.

While protesting against her, I know somewhere in me all along that I failed to
do the best that I could, but the logic of my argumentation about communication
also offer enough ground for me to be okay with continuing my rage. I have no
idea even what the play is about which makes me realize that I didn't do
anything. I know I didn't do anything at all but I don't know why or how I got
there, yet my logical explanation is enough to continue my rage.

While going to the theatre, after storming out of the meeting, I am fuming and
thinking about my next step. I will simply quit right now and then, and even if
Doreen is sick it is not my problem. All was a waste and I don't care. I will
loose the money and time that I've invested, burn the bridges to burn and move
on. It is all Doreen and everyone's fault, after all, for not telling me early
on what was going wrong.

I get to the theatre where all the actors are pacing, reciting their line and
stressing about the play the next day. The technical crew is around too, and
everyone is nervous.  I realized that Doreen was angry at me because she
wouldn't put a play with this lack of quality, as her name was still behind the
production. I could feel the actors looking at me, are they angry? There is
definitely some emotion in their look, but also a respect or hope that there is
still a chance for the play to go on.

Someone confronts me about the play and I tell them that it's off and I don't
care. Although it sends a wave of panic in the crew, most people continue to run
their lines and prep. At that moment I realize I was wrong all along and that
this play must go on, and that I really have to find all the energy to do the
best although I wasted the whole season doing nothing. I don't even know what
the play is all about or what I am doing as the director, yet there has to be a
way for the show to happen. What could be done in such a small window of time?
There is definitely a way to resolve this... The show must go on!

What instantly improves a sub-par day?

A nap in my hammock.

Wellness or beauty hack?

Actually a nap in my hammock helps to drain water retention in my legs!

What is something that feels embarrassing but shouldn't?

My extra 60pounds.

How do you responsibly discard and recycle?

I realized a lot of thing that are in my storage is actually stuff I don't want.
So I started to do a 'pre-disposal' bin. If I haven't needed the stuff in the
bin then I can bring it to chairty or dispose of it.