Day 1 of de-toxing form 4chan

As I am letting go of most of the surface web
I've been indulging in 4chan trashy piece of
the internet. Why 4chan you ask?

Well it's mildly entertaining, as it's edgy
and trashy. In the /pol/ thread there is a bit
of a news about the world. Keeps me informed
and it kills time for the in-between web work.

The problem is, it's really bad for my brain.

I remember playing a tabletop RPG (is that
what you call them or irl RPG) which was setp
in the world of HP Lovecraft. In the world of
Chtulhu. In that game you could loose not only
hit point, but sanity point. They gave an
example of a page filled with different words
and sentences, and by the time you'd be done
reading these words, you would have lost a
certain amount of sanity.

When I'm on 4chan, and I click on the wrong
video or the wrong image and get a dose of
something I didn't want to see, I get
traumatized. I have a few of these video
I've seen in the last few weeks that I can't
unsee. They are stuck in my mind. Were they
real videos? Gore and disgusting...

I can't believe how much damage can one site
do to my brain, to my life. I know a lot of
people eat that stuff for breakfast, I must
admit, I'm a cheap date with it comes to gore.

Anyway, now it's blocked trouhgout my house,
when I have time to kill, I got back to field
recording and playing my synth.

I'm not surprised of this type of pattern.
When giving up on certain habits, my mind
tends to kick it up a notch in the opposit
direction. I have to wait and stay calm,
while doing damage control. This wasn't
so bad, but I'm glad it's over.