old computer challenge day 2

Ok so gave up on installing
a new system on the Dell
mini laptop.

Lets try finding out my old
password in arch linux instead.
Allright got to fiddle around
to boot back from the emmc,
disable secure boot and we're in.
I try a few password, and yes
finally got in.

Let's update the system.
Of course the keychain arch
problems as usual.

This time I spent a couple
hours trying to update arch,
for some reason the normal
keyring workflow I use most of
the time didn't work. I tried multiple
time to go trough the same
process with no luck.

I finally simply disable checking
the pgp key and was able to
Syu (update the system).

I started cleaning up all the xorg
file as I would use the computer only
in text more. I remove a few GB of packages
and decided to remove as much as I could with:

pacman -Qtdq | pacman -Rns -

Sweet another few mb... that seems like
a good start for a minimal system!
Great, lets reboot, maybe install fbterm and
setup the boot to only use 1 core cpu and 500mb ram.

error: file /vmlinuz-linux not found
error: you need to load the kernel first

GREAT! This is just awesome.

Ok now need to download and DD arch iso.
For some reason the Torrent is not working
have to http download.

Download, dd, get a bootable USB...
and giving up for today, I got work
to do and a life to live!

Day 2 of old computer challenge
Utter faillure...