So this will be my first gopher entry. I suppose it's fitting that it's to
do with medical equipment since I spend the bulk of my waking hours dealing
with my health challenges. The Dexcom is a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM)
in that it is a device that continuously monitors your glucose. This has
the distinct advantage of removing the need to prick your finger for
application to a tiny fiddly strip. When it works it's like magic. It
doesn't always work.

The last few days it has been complaining of "Signal Loss". This is usually
not a big deal and clears on its own but lately it has been more stubborn.
A quick browse to the Dexcom web page showed they have a chat support
option. I want to go on record and say I LOVE chat support. I used to do
chat support for a large utility and I routinely heard from people that
they also loved chat support. Some of us just don't want to call people
anymore. The lady spoke to me for about twenty minutes and had me try
various troubleshooting measures on my phone mostly related to Bluetooth.
Eventually she declared I would receive a replacement in the mail.
Hallelujah! Having worked in IT support for many years I am not the best
client when it comes to being on the other end. I tend to judge how the
agent is going about their job (thinking I surely could do it better?)
This lady didn't string me along or have me reboot my device 27 times
and just made an executive decision. If I receive a link to a survey
I'll be sure to give her a glowing review.

So much of modern medicine is bitter sweet. When it works I honestly feel
like I'm "living in the future." When it doesn't it's all the more
frustrating. I'll have more to say about that in my next entry...
Dialysis! Stay tuned.