
Title: COVID - Starting the New Year Wrong
Date: January 25, 2023


 This is just a quick update, because I've been completely out of commission
since the end of last year. I got sick, thought it was the flu, had to go to
the ER *twice*, and found out I got a triple whammy of COVID-19, viral stomach
flu, and severe dehydration. I'm *mostly* better now, but I don't think I'll
fully recover for quite a while.

 I had actually gotten the stupid COVID bug from my partner, who got it from
work. It sneaks up on you, and it *can* cause hell on your body. The irony? I
was a week away from being able to get a COVID vax booster.

 Please, stay safe, everyone. COVID is no trivial illness, even now with the
vaccines we have.

