
Title: Things Going On
Date: December 08, 2022
Written On: BBEdit on 2008 MacBook Pro (MacOS 10.6.8)


 Long time no write here. Things have been busy, and I've been trying to keep
my mind off of the web and internet in general. My third round with bedbugs has
come and gone, my bedroom is still mostly empty with everything out in storage,
my bed has been replaced with a futon that I can sit back and relax on, and
I've managed to decorate just enough that it feels like a writer space again.

 Mastodon is slowly becoming another Twitter (read: horrible place), so I'm
probably going to drop it once again. The problem is that people are making it
into another Twitter, and really not giving a damn about integrating with the
culture that Mastodon had. You can take the toxic people out of social media,
but you can't take the toxic social media out of people.

 I'm still running Snow Leopard on my 2008 MacBook Pro, and not regretting the
decision to use it to stay off the web while I work. The less I interact with
the web, the better my mental health seems to get these days.

 Honestly, I'm starting to see why so many authors hole themselves away. The
world has become such an exhausting place that it's not worth the hell and
stress that being in public puts onto you. Even the virtual world is this way,
so there's really no escape outside of being on your own, and sticking mostly
to your inner circle for support.

Kinda sad, once you think about it.
