
Title: The Warm
Date: 2022-01-30
Written On: BBEdit on 2009 MacBook (MacOS 10.6.8)
Listening To: Quiet


 So, I recently got a new desk to work from, and wired it up for the ability
to record and/or stream from my MacBook through a cheap $20 USD HDMI capture
card. My gaming rig handles it quite well, and it gives me hope of doing some
random videos at some point in time. The cable management channel in this thing
is so nice as well, keeping everything out of view while I'm working.

 It's also been rather cold as of late. That really sucked when I went to get
my first vax shot for C19. I had to wait until a doctor OKed it given my
compromised immune system, and having to take care of family to the point of
being absolutely necessary for basic things (like grocery shopping). Even when
I was supposed to be recovering, I ended up having to go out and get food by
myself. Just over a week away from getting the second shot, though.

 Still, I'm doing a bit better since I started focusing on staying offline
more often. My nerves are finally calming down a bit, and I'm slowly regaining
some of my focus. "Slowly" being the key word there. Admittedly, using this old
MacBook with its lack of a modern browser has helped far more that I'd expected
on that front. I have access to *just enough* to be satisfied, especially sites
like The Old Net[0], VistaServ[1], Macintosh Garden[2], and OCRemix[3]. I can
even use Internet Archive[4] by passing a "noscript=true" flag in the URL. But
places like Twitter and GitHub? Not really.

 Maybe I can reclaim what the modern web kinda stole from me. Just need a
little time, I guess.


[0]: http://theoldnet.com/
[1]: http://vistaserv.net/
[2]: http://macintoshgarden.org/
[3]: https://ocremix.org/
[4]: https://archive.org/?noscript=true