Title: Re-adjusting to Windows
Date: 2019-08-17
Written on: Dell Inspiron E1505
Mood: Tired
Listening to: Chiptunes on Rainwave Chiptunes (net radio)


 I hate to admit it, but going back to Windows hasn't exactly been easy. I'm
so used to having compose keys, built-in spellcheck on everything, bash and a
proper terminal... All the Mac stuff I'd started to take for granted. It's like
taking someone used to DR-DOS and throwing them headlong into Gentoo without
any documentation. It's not fun.

 That said, I /am/ slowly readjusting to the OS. I've got plenty of tools to
replace what I was using, but it's still been a bit of a slog. Using Word
instead of Pages has been a chore in and of itself, but throw in having to
relearn PowerShell, and getting used to keyboard shortcuts using the CTRL key
instead of the CMD key, and cue me getting quite confused at times.

 Still, being offline most of the time, and seeing the big red X over my
network status in the tray area, has been much nicer than I thought it would
be. I'm much calmer without being online all the time, and the battery life on
this laptop is certainly benefiting from it. Not to mention that it runs much
cooler, which is also a major boon. That's something my Mac struggled with.

 I think I can get used to this again. If not, I might be able to get some
things together to get the Mac Pro working again, or possibly get a 2009
Mac Pro to replace it. If I decide to go that route, anyway. Might just use the
MacBook and leave it at that.

 Regardless, it's good to remind myself that there's more out there than Macs,
and this is certainly doing a good job of it.
