
So... In regards to the Mac Pro, it's now ordered. It's gonna be nice having
something more stable to run a dev environment on, and the mass of memory
and dual Xeons should help with compile times...I hope.

Honestly, I'm looking forward to getting it. It'll be nice to have a pro-grade
machine with enough power to rip a head off a horse. Might even get me off my
tail on getting the source for XimpleMOD[1] to make a decent UI for it--and to
compile it for Intel proper. Likewise with some other software I use, come to
think of it.

Might also give me a chance to finally work on some of the videos I've been
wanting to make. I'll be able to run iMovie, sure... But I could also finally
spin up Final Cut Studio 2 on such a machine, which is something I've been
wanting to do. NLEs are foreign to me, but experience is one of the best
teachers when it comes to software.


In other news, if there's one thing I've learned about the internet, it's
"Never read the comments". Slashdot, YouTube, HackerNews, and StackOverflow
always re-teach that lesson when I accidentally stumble into their comment

People cheering about Dashboard and iTunes going away, saying other features
should go away as well. The way many of them act, a monocoulture of identical
operating systems would be the only thing to sate them and their zealous drive.
If it doesn't fit their personal needs, /obviously/ no one else should use it
either, right?

I use Dashboard. I continued using widgets on Windows 7. Hell, I use iTunes to
listen to music all the time, when I'm not using XimpleMOD for MOD tracker

This idea that something should be removed because that particular person
doesn't use the functionality feels sadly familiar, though. I said the same
thing about Pocket in Firefox for a long time. Too long, in fact. And it's
something I rather regret, seeing as it made me come off as all the more toxic
during that time.

After seeing so many applications and projects that I used simply killed off by
the various companes and project maintainers, it really is sad to see features
go away like this. Even insecure features like CD/DVD Autorun had their places,
making things easier on the user who might not be as technically savvy. But, as
with all good things, abuse comes along, and people can't have those good
things anymore.


[1]: http://ximplemod.sourceforge.net/