
So, cdmnky recently released a phlog post[1] answering Tomasino's[2] questions
about the mature parts of the furry fandom. Well... Guess who happens to be a
furry with some views on this subject! And on top of that, someone who's quite
deep in the more mature part of the fandom. :D

So, a bit of info to start off with: I've been part of the fandom since just
before 2000, as part of forums, chatrooms, newsgroups, MUCKs, and other pieces
of the puzzle that I won't throw confusing jargon out for. I've gone by many
handles in the past, the most notable two of which are "TeraDyne Ezeri" (my
true name) and "Gallows Gryph". I also used to go by "Letrik" and "Ragnakor"
for a while, but didn't get much done there.

These days, I write things that would make most vanilla people run away very
fast, thus why I don't upload it here. (It *is* online if you know where to
look, though.)

So, to start off with, the questions posed to cdmnky

           Is the sexuality of any fur-animal equivalent? are
           cat-girls more sexualized than horse-girls? What's the
           level of animalism that is good and bad? ears and a tail,
           full on fur?

I just want to say, these quesions are asked perfectly, especially compared to
the types of questions I myself have gotten from people in the past (journos

So, first of all, cd got it right on the sexualization aspect, though I will
say there are massive stereotypes among the fandom for various species.

- Horses and wolves tend to be big and majority dominant
- Foxes and rabbits tend to be seen as the "sex that just won't stop"
- Dragons and Gryphons tend to be seen a smug or powerful dominants
- Kobolds tend to be seen as submissives and obedient
- Cats of all sorts tend to be seen as the "bendy types"
- Weasels and otters tend to be seen as the "excitable playful types"

And the list will go on and on and on. As for who's more sexualized... That's
a tough question to answer. Probably cats, horses, foxes, and dragons tie for
that honor.

As for level of animalism, cd also pretty much nailed it on the head. The
cub porn debate has been going on for a long time. However, "ferals" are a bit
deeper than what I think cd's seen, because there are two types of ferals that
people argue about: sentient (feral in mind) and sapient (feral in body). You
can have a wolf or gryph or whatever that walks on all fours, but still be as
"human" in cognantive capabilities as any anthro.

Many people see sentient ferals as off-limits to anthros because of zoophillia,
while very few say that sapient ferals should be barred. However, even the
former gets absolutely intense debates and wars about it, to the point of
almost ruining many civil discussions about the subject. It's almost like
shouting "VIM" in a crowded Emacs convention.

As for the rest, cdmnky explained everything else better than I could. However,
I will mention two additional things.

First, about fursuits and "murrsuits". Believe it or not, other kink sectors
like rubber fetish intersect far more in terms of "gear" people will buy for
that sort of thing. Gas masks, molded masks, rubber outfits, molded golves and
feet... People pay out the ass for this sort of stuff. If you're really
curious, I suggest looking up @nCaD_Latex[3] on twitter for some examples of
the types of suits people buy, as they have a bit of a collection.

The second thing is that, you will only find a small portion of the more adult
parts of the fandom on the open web. Most of it exists in chatrooms and IMs
between individuals. IRC, Discord, Skype, and Telegram are the most popular
environments that people use for role play, though SecondLife and VRChat are
also used. Many artists use Picarto to show themselves making art and stories,
and of course, you have the convention parties.

Those parties have been toned down as of late, but not by choice. Journalists
and the media have repeatedly crashed such parties while "undercover", and some
have caused major problems for the fandom's image through sensationalism and
clickbait, resulting in crackdowns from convention staff. It's been a wild ride
since the early days, and not always a happy one.

But yeah... Tomasino, if you have any other questions, feel free to contact
me as well. Email's on the front page now, and I'm quite open about the fandom.


[1]: gopher://seedy.xyz/1/phlog/2019/04-21b/
[2]: gopher://gopher.black/
[3]: https://twitter.com/ncad_latex