
So, Goolge+ is being sunset[1], huh? That’s not what I was
expecting to read today, but...wow. I’m at a loss for that
one. Part of me wants to say “good riddance”, but another
part doesn’t want to see yet more people burned by Google,
given their history of burning their customers this way.

Only time will tell if they manage to do anything with the
plans they’ve made going forward, or if it’s just another
flop plan like all the others.

[1]: https://www.blog.google/technology/safety-security/project-strobe/


I really need to get back into writing things again. Not
just fiction in Pages, but other things as well. Maybe
what I need is to work on that document about simplifying
the web. The one that’s been sitting rancid on an HDD
behind my iMac for the last six months.


I’ve been spending a /lot/ of time on Archive.org[2] and
textfiles.com[3] as of late. Reading through old documents
and listening to radio dramas has been quite fun. Dragent
episodes have been exceptionally fun to listen to, adverts
aside of course. Makes me wonder if Archive.org could keep
backups of gopherspace as well...

[2]: https://archive.org
[3]: http://textfiles.com/