
So, I’m sitting here at the moment, installing iWork ’09
on my new-used 2009 Macbook (A1181), and I’m thinking
about all of the things I’ve been missing from the old
days of the web. Newsgroups, webrings, forums instead of
social networks, *actual* moderation of communities...

I miss the days where things were much more simple with
the web. These days, websites are so bloated that they
could double as stress tests in some cases, and are so
unoptimized that modded Minecraft looks amazingly sane. I
just don’t think that developers really give a crap
anymore. And that’s sad.


Speaking of the MacBook, this thing looks practically
brand new. The seller said the battery was bad, but it
seems to be charging. Slowly, but it’s charging.

I’ve already got a list of applications either installed
or waiting to be installed, too.

- SeaMonkey (Love this browser. <3)
- iWork ’09
- iLife ’09
- XCode
- MS Office 2008
- Adium
- MilkyTracker
- XimpleMOD
- BBEdit
- Scrivener
- iGetter
- Inform7
- Lynxlet
- Alfred
- Growl
- TextExpander
- JumpCut
- Telegram
- Circus Ponies Notebook

And a few games as well in the form of Diablo 2, Age of
Empires 2 Gold, Duke Nukem 3D, ZDoom, and ECWolf. Those’ll
be nice to unwind with when I need to.