ffog OCC3 Day 1

Going back 'n forth from work tasks on a modern machine to this old
iBook feels pretty weird. Once the work day is over, at least I can
focus on one method. Several times I've instinctively pulled out my
phone and posted to an app or searched for something without thinking.
The restriction of technology is an artificial wedge between myself and
these impulsive instincts; it's much more fun to interject playing
around with old technology rather than trying to go after the behavior
itself, like a detox. The process is immediately calling out the
behavior and at this point I'm not sure exactly what to make of it.

While working during the day, the old computer was mostly a refuge from
drudgery. After work, suddenly everything became difficult. Its
definitely fun but I'm already looking forward to easing up the
restrictions. I'm building a mental list of things I want to bring back
from the experience into my future day to day computing.

Day Log
* Grabbed a bunch of icon sets online and customized my desktop folders
and program alias icons to increase the comfy factor.
* Switched to using Audion as my media player.
* Tried to trick a few icecast (not icecast2) clients to stream to a
modern server to no avail.
* Getting into using BBEdit.
* Created a low-tech HTML design for the web playlist of a friend's
radio project, which takes in yt-dlp compatible URL's via IRC room and
queues them to an icecast server. Planning to get that up within a few
days for people to play with. Tested design in Lynx and Netscape.
* Tried to get a scraptop Thinkpad R60 going again as a unixy backup but
it lost its mind since I used it last and isn't viable. For now I'm
using a Panasonic CF-T8 very minimally for dealing with some SSL type

July 10, 2023