Work Work Work
October 15th, 2020

It's been a long week so far and it only seems to be getting longer.
I am someone who plans ahead; it's a necessity because of the amount of
work that I have to do. Sadly, I plan so much ahead that I forget that
tomorrow exists: I'll be lying in bed thinking about what I have to do
Wednesday and forget that the next day is only Tuesday. Then I'll go
through Tuesday and start thinking about Thursday. I blink and it's now
October. I've always been a hard worker, and I've always been someone
who ends up with too much on their plate; I like to just grab things to do,
and it bites me in the end.

However, I have been setting my priorities straight; I do some sort of daily
exercise and I always make sure to eat a good lunch. Today I ran 2.5 miles,
the first mile was blazing fast (6 minute mile), but it took my 25 minutes to
run the total 2.5 miles, so my ending 1.5 miles were VERY slow, probably longer
than 10 minutes oer mile. Today (I'm writing this at midnight) will be an arms
day in the gym. Ironically for how strong I am my biceps are probably my least
defined feature; I have a strong chest, back and legs, but the arms need a deal
of work. Working out has been enjoyable and I do feel that my days go by better.

There are many other things stressing me, but I cannot mention them here.
Today I also accidentally bought $15 worth of apples, whoops, I thought the tag
said $7. Oh well, I'll certainly eat them all because they are very delicious.

The amount of work I need to get done, I need like another whole week.
I do not want to sacrifice my sleep for this, because in the end I just end up
a sluggard throughout the day.