Mary O'Meara, a nurse and a healer with empathic abilities, came
into Dr Zander's Centaurian Sunset Cantina last night and told us
an incredible tale of her visit to Rigel 7. She said she was
there to help with a humanitarian crisis caused by a rogue comet
that had hit the planet, causing widespread devastation and
disease. She said she had to use her empathic powers to soothe
the pain and fear of the survivors, who were mostly reptilian
humanoids with scales and tails.

She said the Rigellians were fascinating creatures, with four eyes,
two hearts, and a sixth sense that allowed them to sense vibrations
in the air. She said they had a variety of colors and patterns on
their scales, which indicated their mood, status, and clan affili-
ation. She said they communicated through a combination of hisses,
clicks, and gestures, which she had to learn quickly with the help
of a translator device. She said she also had to deal with the
cultural differences and the etiquette rules, which were very
different from Earth's.

She said she learned a lot from the Rigellians, who had a rich and
ancient history, a complex social structure, and a deep reverence
for nature. She said they had a strong sense of community and
cooperation, and they valued harmony and balance above all else.
She said they also had some funny and awkward moments, like when
she accidentally offended the leader of the Rigellian council by
refusing to eat his pet snail, which was considered a delicacy
and a sign of respect. She said she also mistook a mating ritual
for a dance contest and ended up with three proposals from dif-
ferent clans, which caused quite a stir among the Rigellians. She
said she had a blast on Rigel 7, but she was glad to be back on
Earth, where she could enjoy a cold beer and a warm hug from Dr Zander.